Unlocking your potential” is an elusive feat coveted by those few brilliant people who accomplish victorious results. Everyone wants to do it; however, have you ever heard someone say, “How I achieved success With Coaching Strategies,” I know I haven’t. Now, I may have asked someone other than the right people. Or I may assume it’s a given that they unlocked it since they are so successful. Of course, they unlocked their potential through talent, fame, and ‘fill in the blank.’ If that’s the case, are they now tapped out? No more potential for them? They’ve unlocked it, and that’s it?
Redefining the Secret of Potential
Part of the secret of unlocking your potential only lives where we think it does. It doesn’t live in some secret place deep within us; if we could get at it, we would be powerful, free, passionate, or magical! I mean, if I had you on an operating table and opened you up (sorry for the aggressive image), I couldn’t find any “potential” locked away in there for you to find and unlock.
The Quest for Potential
All of this talk of “concealed,” “hidden,” and “something happening in the future” truly makes unlocking your potential a mighty quest and not for the faint of heart! A quest that will someday deliver results after this potential has developed so it can lead to FUTURE success or usefulness.
What If Potential Is Already Unlocked?
What if we had it all wrong about this? What if your potential has already been unlocked? What if you were born with all your potential fully unlocked? What if it’s unlocked now? Depending on what’s happening in your life, you might now think, “If my potential is already unlocked, I’m in trouble.
Embracing Your Greatness
What if there is nothing hidden or concealed about your greatness? What if you already are and have everything you need to succeed? What if not something needs to be fixed, changed, or “unlocked” to have what you need and be who you need to be to live a miraculous life? Really! What if all that secret, concealed potential was unlocked now?
Action Steps to Realize Your Potential
Imagine with me if your potential was unlocked now—what would you do? Who would you be? What would you act on that you are not acting on? What would you pursue that you’ve been waiting to go after? What passion would you take on that would make you feel alive? If you were to act on any one of those things, what is the action you would take? Or what are the actions you would take? Could you stop and think about it? Write down five actions you could take to pursue any of those things. Don’t go on to the following line until you do this! Really!
Congratulations! You’ve Found the Secret
Congratulations, you just found the secret. You just unconcealed what was concealed. You didn’t need to unlock anything to see what to act on to impact what is important to you and will make a difference in you living a passionate, fulfilling, creative, miraculous life. There was nothing to unlock. You already have what you need.
Embrace Your Journey
Now, take your incredible, unique, magical, perfect self, and go out and take those actions. When you feel stopped or need to “unlock your potential” again, start at the top of this blog.